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Exploring the Impact of Increasing the Federal Minimum Wage on Employment and Family Income

  As discussions surrounding the federal minimum wage continue to evolve, it is important to understand the potential consequences of implementing such policies. The Congressi...

Immigration: A Boon for the Job Market and the U.S. Economy

  The increasing share of immigrants in the U.S. labor force has been a topic of growing importance in recent years. Economists are asserting that this trend has been beneficial for the American workforce and t...

How AI Is Changing The Global Labor Market And Skills Needed For Success

  In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is set to significantly transform the global labor market. According to Karin Kimbrough, Chief...

Communities Rally Together to Aid Dozens of Families Affected by Texas Wildfires

  In the wake of devastating wildfires in Texas, local organizations have stepped up to provide crucial aid and support to numerous families who have been displaced by the natural disaster....

Congressional Budget Office Highlights Key Provisions in House Bill to Remove Marijuana as Barrier to Federal Employment or Security Clearances

  A recently proposed bill to remove marijuana as a barrier to federal employment or security clearances has received attentio...

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